delicate and exemplary story telling, extraordinary filming, and a touch of movie magic...

The Cinaesthetic / MentorMob Co-Launch Party

This past weekend we had our first official “Launch Party” letting the world know that we, Cinaesthetic Films, are serious about our business and we want everyone to know we’re ready to make movies! It was a co-branded party for both our film company as well as our close friends over at MentorMob. For all intents and purposes, the event was an absolute success, because not only did we get rave feedback from everyone that attended, we also meet some new cool people that are interested in working with us on some projects.

During the party we debuted 2 new movies, that will be soon featured on our YouTube Channel, our Vimeo Channel, and on our Facebook Page. I will posting embedded videos here soon too, so feel free to check back and look for those movies in case you missed them at the party.

I said a couple short words to the crowd while we were there, but the one thing I might have forgotten to stress was that, YES, we are for hire, and YES, we want you to work with us! While not everyone has the need to make a company commercial, business profile, or short film, everyone still has very special and important moments in their lives that deserve to be captured and shared with the world. Of course weddings are the first thing most people think of, but even baby showers, surprise parties, recitals, religious ceremonies can be all worthy of a beautiful video. Is your band playing an important show this weekend and you want to capture it to share with friends and family? Is your Mom surprising your Dad with a 55 year anniversary party? Call us and let us help you tell this story to the world!

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